Why Djibouti’s voice is always heard

Appointed to head the National Assembly by the President of the Republic, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, Dileita Mohamed Dileita brings his experience as a former Prime Minister to the country’s debating chamber, but also as a senior diplomat. He has held positions in Paris, was an ambassador in Addis Ababa – at the headquarters of the African Union – and has been chargé de mission for various international institutions. Although he has criss-crossed the continent, he has never strayed too far from Djibouti, his home country, where he is serving his fifth term as a member of parliament.

The Covid crisis and regional instability – particularly in Ethiopia – have slowed down the country’s economic growth and attaining its Vision 2035 objectives. What can be done to accelerate the achievement of those objectives?
Dileita Mohamed Dileita: Covid was something new and sudden for countries all over the world. The President had the extraordinary reflex to close the border with the outside world very quickly. Economically, there were consequences, because the economy is based on trade with Ethiopia, and maritime transport in general, but we had to make do. We had launched the 2035 projects, but that didn’t really bother us. The positive thing was that we had the courage to close all the borders. We’ve had fewer deaths and fewer positive cases.

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