Somaliland oo ka qaybgashay shirka iskaashiga Turkiga iyo Afrika

Hargeysa-(Berberanews)-Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Dalxiiska JSL Mudane Xamse Xaamud Guuleed ayaa maanta ka qaybgalay shir balaadhan oo ku saabsan iskaashiga Turkey-ga iyo Africa (Export Gateway to Africa). Shirkan ayaa ka qabsoomey Dalka Turkey-ga.
Shirkan oo  si meeqaam sare ah loogu soo dhaweeyey Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Dalxiiska, waxa ka soo qaybgalay Ganacsato iyo Maalgashadayaal balaadhan oo ka socda qaaradda Yurub.
Agaasimaha Guud ayaa u soo bandhigay Fursadaha Ganacsi ee ka jira Somaliland.
“Somaliland intends to diversify its exports both in terms of the markets as well as the products. Livestock exports may continue to be a major export item in the economy. However, value adding supply chain improvements will be made so that meat will attract other markets.

As markets of essential oils are growing rapidly in the world, frankincense and gums would see a boom. The quality of Somaliland’s resins is recognized in the world. However, international investors can play a significant role in developing these materials into products with a joint partnership with the locals.

In order to achieve all of these, the government has established a separate ministry mandated to organize and promote international investment” remarks by the MOT DG at the Export Gateway to Africa gathering.